Advancements in 3D Printing

3D printing has been transforming many areas of our lives, and it’s not just for prototyping anymore. As 3D processes have become more robust, they are now being used to manufacture products that would otherwise not be feasible to make using traditional methods.
New 3D printing systems can make products stronger and more versatile than early models, which basically fused layers of powder or filament using heat. For example, the Carbon DLS (Digital Light Synthesis) process uses an ultraviolet laser to cure liquid plastic resin into solid parts. The finished product is then heated in an oven to create a secondary chemical reaction that further strengthens the bonds. The result is higher-resolution parts with superior mechanical properties and a smoother finish.
These printers are already being used to accelerate product development from the design iteration stage to rapid prototyping to manufacturing. They give designers more flexibility by removing constraints inherent with molding techniques and allow mechanical properties to be varied throughout the printed part. Surface design and texture can be applied as desired, and each part can even be customized, since there are no tooling costs.
The printers are currently available only through a subscription service, which includes hardware and software updates as they become available.
For information: Carbon Global HQ, 1089 Mills Way, Redwood City, CA 94063; phone: 650-285-6307; email:; Web site: or