Web-Based AR

Augmented reality (AR) is a powerful tool for many enterprises, but one that has not been practical for small and medium-sized businesses. Until now. Enter…Web-based AR coding systems that require no coding or 3D modeling expertise.
For example, WorkLink is designed to capture, share, and grow expertise within an organization for training, support, and maintenance in the framework of “learning by doing.” Their apps accept a broad range of CAD file formats and allow users to author mixed reality content regardless of coding and scripting experience level.
Another tool, known as Verge3D, is geared toward creating a new level of customer engagement through interactive Web marketing experiences.
Regardless of the application, this is a tool that is likely to transform AR and how it impacts our lives.
For information: Scope AR, 575 Market Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105; 855-207-2673; website: Worklink: The Premier Enterprise AR Remote Assistance Platform | Scope AR Soft8Soft OU, Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn, Estonia, European Union; Web site: Verge3D: an artist-friendly toolkit for 3D web experiences – Soft8Soft