Paper Bottles

As landfills and oceans become more and more polluted with plastic waste, it’s becoming increasingly clear that we need to find alternatives. While many plastic containers are able to be recycled, the actual rate of recycling varies greatly from country to country, with estimates as low as 30 percent in the U.S. And with more than one million plastic bottles being sold worldwide every minute, the problem is only getting worse.
One solution on the horizon is a 100 percent bio-based, recyclable paper bottle that is also biodegradable. Based on nearly a decade of research and the collaborative efforts of experts in paper material development and bottle manufacturing, the company has come up with a proprietary pulp formula that can be used for everything from lotion to carbonated beverages. In addition, the wood fibers are sustainably harvested; for every tree that is cut, three more are planted.
Coca-Cola will begin testing a prototype of the new bottle for their beverage AdeZ in Hungary this year. Absolut also plans to test the new packaging for their beverage products in the U.K. and Sweden.
For information: Paboco, Paper Bottle Company A/S, Fabriksvangen 5, DK-3550 Slangerup, Denmark; phone: +45-4733-3830; Web site: Paboco | Changing the industry for good Coca-Cola Europe; Web site: Coca-Cola in Europe takes its paper bottle prototype to trial in Hungary ( Absolut; Web site: Absolut Paper Bottle – Absolut Vodka