Quantum Communications

Verizon recently announced plans to roll out an expanded pilot project of quantum key distribution (QKD) – a technology that will provide enhanced security for network connections.
With QKD, two parties share an encryption key, which allows them to communicate with each other, and also can detect if a third party is trying to gain access. The keys are continuously created using a random number generator. In trials, video was encrypted and streamed in real time over a fiber network. As the quantum keys were exchanged between two locations, hackers could be detected instantly, since any interruption of the channel will break the quantum state.
The system was successfully tested in Washington, DC, and will now be extended across the United States.
For information: Verizon; Web site: https://www.verizon.com/about/news/verizon-achieves-milestone-future-proofing-data-hackers