Dueling Fighter Jets

Last month, DARPA’s Air Combat Evolution (ACE) project hosted a virtual competition in which artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm teams tested their flying ability against an experienced Air Force fighter pilot in what’s commonly known as a dogfight (i.e., combat maneuvers within visual range). The trials were designed to build trust in the ability of AI to achieve effective human-machine interaction in air combat applications.
Eight companies participated in the event, but only one could be selected for the ultimate challenge – and it performed even better than expected, outmaneuvering the human pilot 5-0.
The goal of ACE is to demonstrate that a collaborative relationship is possible where AI performs tactical tasks, while an onboard pilot manages higher-level strategies. But convincing the pilots is no easy task. This contest represented a big step forward in gaining that confidence.
For information: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 675 North Randolph Street, Arlington, VA 22203; phone: 703-526-6630; Web site: https://www.darpa.mil/ or https://www.darpa.mil/news-events/2020-08-26