Drug-Free Treatment for Migraines

A limited pilot study of a newly developed inhaler device has shown that simply changing the composition of inhaled air can reduce or even eliminate the need for medications to treat a specific type of migraine known as “migraine with aura.” In patients who suffer from this condition, the painful headaches are preceded by vision or sensory changes such as flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling of the hands and face. They are thought to be brought on by a complex chain reaction in which the blood vessels contract, thereby reducing oxygen supply to the brain.
The inhaler is designed to induce a condition called normoxic hypercapnia, in which carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are increased while keeping oxygen at normal levels. CO2 is a natural vasodilator (i.e., it expands blood vessels to increase blood flow to the tissues). The new device has been shown to increase oxygen supply to the brain by up to 70 percent, effectively stopping the destructive chain reaction that brings on the painful headaches within a few seconds. The results also appear to increase with use; although only 45 percent of participants experienced an effect with the first use, 78 percent noticed results the second time the inhaler was used.
A larger clinical trial is being planned, which will include migraine without aura and chronic migraine patients.
For information: Troels Johansen, Ph. D., BalancAir, Scion DU, Science and Technology Park, Diplomvej 381, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; phone: +45-2714-4145; email: aj@balancair.com; Web site: http://www.balancair.com/ or https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30134739?dopt=Abstract