Water from Sunlight and Air

Many experts agree that clean drinking water could be the greatest challenge we face, now and in the future. It has been estimated that half a million people die each year from drinking contaminated water. But the technology to achieve true water independence for every person, and provide the perfect balance of minerals and electrolytes in a truly sustainable system may already be here.
The Source Hydropanel is a self-contained, solar-powered system that can produce enough drinking water for two or three people per day. A super-absorbent material collects water at concentrations up to 20,000 times that of the ambient air, making the system effective even in desert conditions. The solar panel powers an internal fan and heats the absorbent material to create condensation. The water is collected in a 30-liter reservoir where it is mineralized with calcium and magnesium (for taste) as well as ozone (for purity). The water can then be pumped directly to an indoor tap.
Two 4-foot by 8-foot panels produce, on average, between 4 and 20 liters of water per day, depending on the ambient air conditions. A small back-up battery powers the unit on cloudy days. Systems have already been installed in more than 15 countries on five continents where they meet or exceed international water standards and guidelines for contaminants. Installations in the U.S. include schools and private homes as well as commercial buildings. The cost for an each panel is around $2,000.
For information: Zero Mass Water; phone: 855-796-9283; email: contact@zeromasswater.com; Web site: https://www.zeromasswater.com/