Biopsy by Breathalyzer

A new device has been developed that could enable earlier diagnosis of lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and other infectious and inflammatory diseases. Called ReCIVA (Respiration Collector for In Vitro Analysis), the system collects samples of exhaled air and ionizes VOCs to provide a chemical fingerprint of metabolic activity in the body. Particular patterns can be clearly correlated to early stages of disease, even before clinical symptoms become apparent.
Single-use Breath Biopsy Kits are used to collect the samples, which are then sent to a laboratory for analysis. A VOC Analyzer is also available for on-site analysis.
Availability is currently dependent on the completion of clinical trials and further diagnostic testing; however, the company hopes to release a product to the market late next year with a target price of $100. The developer also recently partnered with a major pharmaceutical manufacturer to research biomarkers that can identify chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
For information: Owlstone Medical Ltd., 183 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 0GJ, United Kingdom; phone: +44-0-1223-428200; website: