Quantum Radar

A Chinese defense giant claims to have successfully built a quantum radar system that would be capable of filtering out radar jamming devices used on fighter planes and missiles, and even detect stealth aircraft.
Theoretically, quantum radar is a remote-sensing technology that works by creating two entangled photon streams — pairs of photons that are connected in such a way that any change to one of them can be detected by the other. One stream is sent to a distant object while the other stays in the system. When the sent photons reflect off the object and return to the system, they are matched with the unsent photons so that all background noise can be filtered out, leaving a clear image of the target. Aircraft that are exposed using the technology would also be unaware of being detected.
Quantum radar systems could also enhance signal-to-noise ratios in situations where environmental phenomena such as geomagnetic storms and solar flares interfere with traditional radar operation. Although the reports of successful tests have not yet been confirmed, this technology would make it more difficult and dangerous for stealth aircraft to fly undetected.
For information: China Electronics Technology Group; website: http://en.cetc.com.cn/