Electronic Tattoos
Imagine being able to control your smartphone simply by touching your skin. That’s the idea behind temporary electronic tattoos that can turn body features into touch-sensitive buttons.
A team of researchers developed the innovative controls by printing electrodes and wires on paper using conductive ink, then transferring them onto the skin with water. Push on a freckle and your phone turns on, or swipe a finger across your knuckles to adjust the volume. The tattoos will also respond to changes in skin elasticity, as occurs with bending or stretching, so one button may perform several different functions depending on whether your fingers are extended or curled up. The addition of electroluminescent pigments even allows the ink to glow when current passes through it, enabling your app icons to light up when you receive a call or notification.
So far, the tattoos have only been tested connected to a computer, but the team plans to link them with an Android smartphone in the near future.
For information: Jurgen Steimle, Saarland University, Human-Computer Interaction Lab, Campus E1.7, 66123 Saarbrucken, Germany; phone: +49-681-302-71080; website: https://hci.cs.uni-saarland.de/