Quantum Security
A new security solution employs quantum physics to make counterfeiting impossible. Quantum IDs (Q-IDs) use state-of-the-art nanomaterials to deliver a physically unclonable fingerprint for everything from luxury goods to pharmaceuticals.
The devices, which are smaller than the width of a human hair, are available in two versions – electronic and optical. The optical Q-IDs can be scanned using a smartphone and an inexpensive optical filter, making them ideal for supply chain management, product protection and consumer authentication applications. The electronic versions are well-suited for authentication and unique identification of equipment and devices. And unlike most anti-counterfeiting technology, Q-IDs can be turned off or reset in the event a product is lost or stolen.
Pirated goods cost hundreds of billions of dollars in lost revenue every year, and counterfeit medications pose a serious health hazard. New technologies that make it possible to identify forgeries and fakes have the potential to eliminate costly and dangerous threats.
For information: Quantum Base, InfoLab 21, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4WA, United Kingdom; email: info@quantumbase.com; Web site: http://quantumbase.com/