Quantum Cloud
First proposed over 30 years ago, quantum computing has been hailed as the holy grail of computing technology for its ability to perform advanced calculations and solve problems that are seemingly impossible, even for today’s supercomputers. Recently, IBM announced a first-of-its-kind computing platform that will allow users to access their experimental quantum computer processor via the cloud, enabling new levels of innovation and new applications for quantum technology.
Quantum computing takes advantage of the fact that molecules behave differently at the atomic level. Instead of encoding bits of information as ones and zeroes, quantum computers utilize a property known as superpositioning to encode data as either one, zero or both. These packets of information are known as qubits, and packaging them together in a scalable and controllable way represents some very real challenges. For example, quantum processors are extremely sensitive to errors from heat and electromagnetic radiation, so the system must be kept at supercooled temperatures in a cryogenic dilution refrigerator. This first functioning quantum processor contains five qubits, however researchers envision that computers with 50 to 100 qubits could be available within the next decade.
The IBM Quantum Experience is accessible to researchers, students and science enthusiasts in general on any desktop or mobile device. Users wishing to gain access must request an invitation on the web at https://quantumexperience.ng.bluemix.net/qstage/#/signup
For information: IBM Corporation, 1 New Orchard Road, Armonk, NY 10504; phone: 914-499-1900; website: http://www.research.ibm.com/quantum/