3-D Printed Snacks
The 3-D printing revolution has touched many areas of our lives – from its meager beginnings as a means of creating small prototype parts to printing buildings, automobiles, aircraft and bridges. Now a group out of Finland has combined 3-D printing technology with expertise in food and material science to produce customized food.
According to their research, while consumers are demanding healthier and more nutritious foods, they’re also looking for good taste, texture and design. In short, people like food to be “fun.” What better way to accomplish that than a high-tech vending machine for “printable” snacks?
The group has already experimented with starch and cellulose-based materials to develop flow properties that are suitable for 3-D printing technology. They are also working on printing proteins from concentrates of oats, fava beans and whey. But the ultimate goal is to be able to combine textures – such as crunchy toppings with soft centers – that can be printed in layers to create a distinctive mouthfeel.
For information: Sozer Nesli, VTT, P.O. Box 1000, F1-02044, Finland; phone: +358-20-722-7070; email: nesli.sozer@vtt.fi; website: http://www.vttresearch.com/ http://www.vttresearch.com/media/news/vtt-is-developing-customised-snacks-through-3d-food-printing