Training Your Brain
Yet another application for neuro-stimulation (this one less invasive) is designed to help athletes prime their brain for improved physical performance. Dubbed Halo Sport, the device sends a stream of electrical impulses to the motor cortex — the area of the brain that controls voluntary movements and planning. In turn, the energized neurons send stronger signals to the muscles, allowing the wearer to supercharge his or her workout and gain greater benefit from every repetition.
In initial testing, subjects from the U.S. Olympic ski team improved their propulsion force by 31 percent and Air Force drone pilot trainees demonstrated a 50 percent reduction in training time using the device. It is also being tested selectively by NBA and MLB players. However, questions are already being raised as to whether “neuro-doping” with a device like Halo Sport constitutes a violation of anti-doping regulations.
The first devices, which were released in February, were sold out in less than a week at a price of $750.
For information: Halo Neuroscience, 735 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103; phone: 415-851-3338; Web site: