Smart Paint
A new family of paint pigments has been developed that change color when exposed to variations in temperature, light or pressure. A combination of organic and inorganic compounds, the pigments can be calibrated to respond to specific levels of change, and the color change may be permanent or reversible.
For example, photochromic (light sensitive) pigments are available which change color when light intensity reaches a defined level, and then return to the original color when the intensity is decreased. Another type of photochromic pigment changes color when light intensity increases, and retains that color even after it drops back to original levels. Yet another version is designed to measure the cumulative effect of multiple exposures.
Piezochromic (pressure sensitive) and thermochromic (temperature sensitive) pigments are also available to produce reversible or irreversible color changes over a range of defined pressures and temperatures. All products are available in a broad range of colors and particle diameters (from nanometer to micrometer).
The new paints have diverse applications in the aeronautical, construction and automobile industries, such as identifying potential structural damage that may otherwise not be visible.
For information: Olikrom, 16 Avenue Pey Berland, 33607 PESSAC, France; phone: +33-(0)6-1798-3620; Web site: