Wearable Projector
A new device will be introduced at a conference in April that will allow users to access smartphone content by projecting it on any nearby surface. The technology, known as Ambient Mobile Pervasive Display (AMP-D) is essentially a wearable projector system that hangs around your neck and generates a graphic image in front of you.
When an email, tweet or text is received, the wearer can access it with a swipe of their hand. The message is then projected directly onto their palm. For more public information, the user can have information displayed on the floor. A Kinect-style camera detects the distance to the floor or the user’s hand to automatically adjust the focus, and is also used to recognize hand gestures.
In addition to personal messaging, the system will have application for navigation as well as location-aware advertising.
For information: Christian Winkler, Ulm University, Institute of Media Informatics, James-Franck-Ring, Room O27/3303, 890871 Ulm, Germany; phone: +49-(0)731-50-31317; fax: +49-(0)731-50-31302; email: Christian.winkler@uni-ulm.de; Web site: www.uni-ulm.de/en/homepage.html