Ultrasonic Windshield Wipers
Did you ever wonder how fighter jets keep their windshields free of rain, insects and other visual obstacles? No, it’s not the squeegee-type blade that was patented before the Model T hit the assembly line, and has been used on just about every automobile for more than a century. It’s more like an ultrasonic force field that envelops the windshield to repel anything in its way. And recently, the leading designer of Formula One and Nascar racecars announced that it’s considering adapting the same technology for its legendary supercars.
It works by surrounding the windshield with high frequency sound waves (so high that they’re not even audible to bats). These ultrasonic waves generate vibrations which cause tiny bubbles to form and collapse at a high rate, lifting up and peeling away anything that attaches to the surface. Side benefits include improved aerodynamics and a simpler design with fewer moving parts.
For information: McLaren Applied Technologies, Ltd., McLaren Technology Centre, Chertsey Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 4YH, United Kingdom; phone: +44-(0)1483-261400; fax: +44-(0)1483-261402; Web site: www.mclaren.com or http://cars.mclaren.com/home/html