Techno Trends

The big ideas that are changing everything

Copy-Proof Ink

An innovative new ink that is virtually impossible to replicate has been developed using a mixture of ink and artificial DNA. Plans are already underway to use the product for printing cash vouchers, passports, merchandise tags and other sensitive documents so that fraudulent copies can be easily identified.

It utilizes the company’s core technology called “unnatural base pair systems,” which enables functional components to be incorporated into DNA, RNA and proteins at specific sites. Other potential applications of the base technology include diagnostic reagents, therapeutic drugs and biometrics.

For information: Ichiro Hirao, TagCyx Biotechnologies, 1-7-22 Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagaawa 230-8045, Japan; phone: +81-45-503-9644; fax: +81-45-503-9645; email:; Web site:    

Daniel Burrus' Top Twenty Technology-Driven Trends for 2013