Techno Trends

The big ideas that are changing everything

Accurate GPS In Buildings

There's no argument that GPS has made life easier, but today’s satellite navigation systems sometimes lack precision in complex urban areas where large buildings can block signals and cause reflections that confuse receivers. Now a new technology called Locata has been developed that not only provides precise positioning on city streets, but even works indoors.

Instead of satellites, Locata uses localized, ground-based radio transmitters that project signals a million times more powerful than GPS. The nodes are totally configurable and may be placed to suit the application. And Locata operates on the 2.4GHz global open access ISM band, so it can be deployed anywhere.

Applications for the new positioning technology are virtually endless. It could be used by emergency services to navigate urban areas and large buildings; it could guide travelers through busy airports or railway stations; it could even help shoppers locate the exact product they’re looking for on store shelves. Ideally, the new technology would be used alongside traditional GPS to provide seamless positioning indoors and out.

For information: Nunzio Gambale, Locata Corporation Pty. Limited, 111 Canberra Avenue, Griffith, ACT 2603, Australia; phone: +61-2-6126-5700; fax: +61-2-6126-5704; email:; Web site:     

Daniel Burrus' Top Twenty Technology-Driven Trends for 2013