3D Tactile User Interface
As we increasingly use screens to simulate 3D objects, humans will be missing out on tactile sensation and the ways in which it guides our interactions with the world around us. So, researchers at MIT are looking for ways to bring a 3D sense of touch back to simulations.
Rather than just simulate real-life objects like knobs, dials and buttons, their approach is to reproduce them in three dimensions so that users can physically manipulate them using what they call “programmable matter.” Much like the executive desk toy that allows you to create a 3D mold by pressing an object into it, the new technology – known as inFORM – consists of an array of pins connected to motors that are controlled by a laptop. As the pins are moved up and down, the device can render digital content physically, or even create real-life shapes remotely.
Imagine playing catch via Skype, giving someone a remote “high five,” or holding hands with a loved one thousands of miles away. Tangible interfaces may one day make all of that…and more…possible.
For information: Toyota Motor Corporation, 1 Toyota-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, 471-8571, Japan; phone: +81-0565-28-2121; Web site: www.toyota-global.com
JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation; 6-3 Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 100-8162, Japan; Web site: www.noe.jx-group.co.jp/english/