Ultrasonic Pill
A new development in drug delivery could make painful injections a thing of the past for diabetics requiring daily doses of insulin. Dubbed the uPill, the device enhances the absorption of medications that typically can’t be administered orally because they don’t penetrate tissue quickly enough.
It’s been known for some time that ultrasound can make cell membranes more permeable by heating up the molecules in the tissue. In the past, they’ve been used to help increase absorption of many protein-based drugs by as much as ten times. This latest development incorporates that same concept into a pill that can be coated with the required medicine and swallowed. As it passes through the digestive system, it sends ultrasound waves through the tissues to make them more receptive to absorbing the drug.
It’s anticipated that the uPill would cost between $20 and $30 and could hit the market in just a few years.