Nanowire Computers
Many experts think that the speed and processing capability of silicon- based semiconductors will reach a practical limit in the next five or ten years. But that doesn’t necessarily mean the end of Moore’s Law.
Nanowire transistors may be the next breakthrough when it comes to boosting processor speed. They’re constructed in such a way that the wires stand vertically rather than horizontally, allowing more wires to fit on a circuit. In addition, in contrast to conventional transistors where the layers transition gradually, the elements that compose the new chips – namely germanium and silicon – allow the layers to be more sharply defined, improving performance on an atomic level. All of this translates into more processing capacity in less space…and Moore’s Law continues…
For information: Eric Stach, Purdue University, School of Materials Engineering, 710 West State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907; phone: 765-494-1466; email:; Web site: