Dissolvable Electronics
Modern electronic devices may be obsolete before they leave the shelf, but unfortunately, they last for decades (or longer) in landfills and recycling centers when the next best thing comes along. Now, a new approach to electronic design could provide an eco-friendly solution for technology obsolescence.
Known as “transient electronics,” the innovative platform utilizes circuits made from silkworm cocoons, porous silicon and magnesium. The components are so thin that they are totally soluble, even in minute amounts of water. And by adjusting the properties of the proteins in the silk, the circuits can be made to degrade over a range of intervals – from a few weeks to several years.
The technology has been tested on mice for use as a biomedical implant doped with antibiotics to treat an infected surgical site. Within three weeks, the implant was barely detectable and the infection had subsided. Other items that have been built include transistors, temperature sensors, antennas and digital cameras.
For information: Fiorenzo Omenetto, Tufts University, Biomedical Engineering Science and Technology Center, 4 Colby Street, Medford, MA 02155; phone: 617-627-4972; email: fiorenzo.omenetto@tufts.edu; Web site: www.tufts.edu