Super-Fast 3D Printer

A recent advancement in 3D printing known as Direct Light Processing (DLP) works by projecting an image, layer by layer, onto a build-plate that’s submerged in a vat of resin. Wherever the light is projected, the resin hardens. The print base is then lowered so that the next layer can be projected. The benefit is that DLP printers are much faster than traditional 3D printers which can take hours. In addition, the DLP process doesn’t slow down when other objects are added to the build plate.

But a new line of printers is taking DLP printing to a different level. Instead of printing in broken layers, they print without any breaks between frames. The developer calls it “animated printing” and the result is extraordinarily fast printing speeds. For example, a 150mm x 80 mm x 26 mm object can be printed in only six minutes. And depending on the print speed, resolution can be as high as 57 microns.

Although the details of the design are being kept secret pending patent protection, one of the keys to the printer’s speed is the fact that, instead of building objects from the bottom-up like traditional 3D printers, Gizmo printers use a top-down approach. They will also be able to print multiple objects in different colors.

A handful of printers are currently in beta testing, with plans to begin taking orders via a Kickstarter campaign in the near future. Three models will be available, varying in price from approximately $3,000 to $5,000.

For information: Kobus du Toit, CEO, Gizmo; email:; Web site: or