Techno Trends

The big ideas that are changing everything

Nanowire Touch Screens

A new patterned silver nanowire film could revolutionize touch screens and support the ever-growing consumer demand for touch-enabled devices. The highly transparent material boasts a transmittance of more than 89 percent while offering adequate electrical resistance for fast response.

The key component is a conductive ink made from silver wires that are only a few nanometers in diameter and a few micrometers long. When printed on a polyester (PET) substrate, the result is a flexible conductive film that can be rolled and unrolled more than 100,000 times without breaking.

The availability of such a material eliminates many of the constraints that previously limited designs, such as rounded and angled surfaces. And it can support nearly any form factor – from small devices like phones and tablets to large area touch screens used in signage and gaming applications.

For information: 3M Corporate Headquarters, 3M Center, St. Paul, MN 55144; phone: 888-364-3577; Web site:

Daniel Burrus' Top Twenty Technology-Driven Trends for 2014